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People are just realizing there's a hidden button that turns your car's storage box into a refrigerator instantly

Mar 28, 2023

DRIVERS have realized a trick to turn their car's central console box into a refrigerator.

A car enthusiast on TikTok shared the useful hack, just in time for the summer.

The video, posted by Dong (@dongcheshijie), starts with a passenger taking a chilled water bottle from the car's storage container in between the two front seats.

A voice-over asks: "How is this water frozen?"

The driver begins to explain how to make it into a fridge, by turning on the air conditioning in the car, then opening the cooling valve inside the console.

The video is captioned: "90% of people don't know the hidden small refrigerator in the car."

But people took to the comments section to point out that only certain cars have cooling storage units.

One commenter said: "Should state what car that is."

Another said: "My car is different."

Dong has multiple helpful car videos, including one about a clever storage solution for sedan owners.

Her helpful tip includes a slight adjustment to a spring on the trunk door - drivers who follow the tip will activate the "auto-bounce."

"Auto-bounce" pops the trunk fully open when a driver presses the trunk button on their keys - allowing users to place items in the storage without manually opening the trunk.

The easy change helped drivers who walk to their cars with their hands full.

She also shared multiple helpful tips for used car buyers.

The enthusiast pointed out several small details buyers should inspect before driving a previously-loved vehicle off the lot.

She suggests to look inside the car's door, the passenger's seatbelt and the inside of the hood for small details that reveal the car's history.